Dossetti Library

La Pira Library

The Dossetti and La Pira libraries make their online catalogs available to all scholars.

OPAC catalog. Thanks to the search tool users can consult the FSCIRE database, which contains the bibliographical description of the works present in the library and the analytical titles contained in miscellaneous works.
SBN UBO catalog. It allows the user to find the works present in the library by searching in the database of the Bologna branch of the SBN, in which all the works acquired since 2001, the year in which the Dossetti Library joined the National Library Service, are cataloged.
Card catalog. It allows to virtually browse the cards of the historical catalog, the card catalog organized by authors and titles, which is still accessible inside the premises of the Dossetti Library.
AlKindi catalog. Thanks to the search tool users can consult the AlKindi database, which contains the bibliographical description of the works present in the library and the analytical titles contained in miscellaneous works.
Dossetti Topographical catalog. It allows users to set up bibliographical searches starting from the structure (conceived by Giuseppe Dossetti himself), which implies the location of the works in the book deposits and which is organized by subject, facilitating research by topic.
La Pira Topographical catalog. It allows bibliographical research to be carried out starting from the structure, which implies the location of works in book deposits and which is organized by subject, facilitating research by topic.
Periodicals catalog. It allows users to find the serial publications present in the newspaper and periodicals library by searching in the national collective catalog of periodicals (ACNP), where all the periodicals owned by the Dossetti Library and by the La Pira Library are cataloged.