
Costanza Bianchi

Junior fellow

Research interests

The Corpus Canonum in its Coptic tradition and translation (supervisor prof. Alberto Camplani).

Education, academic and professional experience

In September 2018, she obtained a Master’s degree in Religious studies at the University of Rome La Sapienza with a thesis on the History of Christianity entitled Da meretrix a emblema di redenzione: donne, ascete, sante nella tradizione cristiana della tarda antichità (supervisor prof. Emanuela Prinzivalli; co-supervisor prof. Alberto Camplani).
During her university studies she spent five months at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris and two months at the Université de Strasbourg. In 2019, she carried out a postgraduate internship at Brepols Publisher in Turnhout.
In December 2016, she graduated in Classics at the University of Rome La Sapienza with a thesis on Medieval History entitled Teodora, Teodolinda, Marozia: donne e potere nell’alto Medioevo nelle testimonianze dei contemporanei (supervisor prof. Eleonora Plebani).

Featured publications


Una sposa per Gesù. Tra antichità e postmoderno, ed. E. Lupieri, Rome, Carocci, 2017, in «Contacts on the Move» 84, 2 (2018), pp. 342-362.

R. Franchi, Dalla Grande Madre alla Madre. La maternità nel mondo classico e cristiano: miti e modelli, 3 vols., Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2018, in «Augustinianum» 60, 2 (2020), pp. 629-635.