
Alessia Passarelli

Affiliated researcher

Research interests

Atlas of Religious or Belief Minorities Rights in European Countries.

Education, academic and professional experience

Since 2008 she has been collaborating with the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) as researcher and as member of the Commission on Study – Dialogue and Integration. In 2019 she has been nominated as moderator of the section Integration of the above-mentioned Commission.
Since 2016 she is a senior researcher at Confronti Study Center and magazine where she coordinated the research project on the ‘health status’ of the Methodist and Waldensian churches in Italy.
From 2017 to 2018 she worked for the Observatory for Religious Pluralism – GRISS (project funded by Emilia-Romagna Region in cooperation with the Universityof Bologna) researching Protestant Churches in the Region.
In October 2008 she started her doctoral studies at the Department of Sociology at Trinity College Dublin collaborating on a research project on Theories and practices of integration among Protestant churches in Ireland and Italy (supervised by Dr. Ronit Lentin and Prof. Daniel Faas). She was awarded a postgraduate scholarship by the Irish Research Council. While at Trinity she was a member of the Institute for Integration and Intercultural Studies (IIIS) and she also continued to work as a consultant on other research project. She was teaching assistant in European Societies and Introduction to Sociology (undergraduate courses). She submitted her thesis in April 2014 and successfully defended it in September 2014.
Alessia Passarelli graduated cum laude at the University of Rome La Sapienza in Cultural Anthropology researching Romanian Roma people in Rome (2004). From 2005 until 2008 she worked for the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) as project and research assistant on migration, integration and role of religion for migrants.

Featured publications


P. Naso, A. Passarelli, I giovani evangelici e l’immigrazione. Una generazione interculturale, Carocci, Rome, 2019.

A. Passarelli, Insights into Migrants’ Experiences in Active Participation in Churches in Europe, Brussels, CCME, 2010.


A. Passarelli, Una generazione sul ponte. I giovani evangelici e l’immigrazione, «Protestantesimo» vol. 74, 3-4 (2019), pp. 249-265.

A. Passarelli, L’appartenenza religiosa dei giovani immigrati, in Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2018, «Idos/Confronti» (2018), pp. 201-204.

A. Passarelli, Evangelici, in Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2016, «Idos/Confronti» (2016), pp. 195-196.

A. Passarelli, Dalle politiche alle pratiche d’integrazione: modelli di essere chiesa insieme a confronto, «Protestantesimo» 3-4 (2013), pp. 407-416.

A. Passarelli, Integration, Migration and Religion: Responses of the Church of Ireland, «Translocations» 6, 2 (2010).

Chapters in books

A. Passarelli, P.Naso, People on the Pews, in Granelli di Senape. Una fotografia delle delle chiese metodiste e valdesi in Italia, eds. P. Naso, A. Passarelli, C. Paravati, Turin, Claudiana, 2019, pp. 23-48.

A. Passarelli, Casi di studio, in Granelli di Senape. Una fotografia delle delle chiese metodiste e valdesi in Italia, eds. P. Naso, A. Passarelli, C. Paravati, Turin, Claudiana, 2019, pp. 113-120.

A. Passarelli, Immigrazione ed integrazione nelle chiese protestanti in Italia ed in Irlanda: modelli di «essere chiesa insieme» a confronto, in Protestantesimo e sfide della contemporaneità. Percorsi inediti di scienze delle religioni, eds. A. Annese, Brescia, Morcellania, 2017, pp. 58-77.

A. Passarelli, I numeri e non solo: la mappa dell’immigrazione nelle chiese battiste, metodiste e valdesi, in Sorelle e fratelli di Jerry Masslo. L’immigrazione evangelica in Italia, eds. P. Naso, A. Passarelli, T. Pispisa, Turin, Claudiana, 2014, pp. 33-54.

A. Passarelli, “Essere Chiesa Insieme”: un modello o una direzione?, in Sorelle e fratelli di Jerry Masslo. L’immigrazione evangelica in Italia, eds. P. Naso, A. Passarelli, T. Pispisa, Turin, Claudiana, 2014, pp. 55-78.

A. Passarelli, Chiese etniche e multietniche al di là delle definizioni, in Un cantiere senza progetto. L’Italia delle religioni. Rapporto 2012, eds. P. Naso, B. Salvarani, Bologna, EMI, 2012, pp. 205-213.

A. Passarelli, Beyond welcoming the strangers: Migrant integration processes among Protestant churches in Ireland, in Integration from below. Migrant-led activism in the Republic of Ireland, eds. R. Lentin, E. Moreo, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 140-158.

A. Passarelli, Between past and future: Reflections on how migration has been taken into account by the Protestant churches in Italy and how this has affected their ecclesiological self-understanding, in Vieraanvaraisuus ja muukalaisuus, ed. J. Salminen, Helsinki, Suomalainen Teologinen Kirjallisuusseura, 2011, pp. 100-119.

Volumes edited

D. Jackson, A. Passarelli (eds.), Mapping Migration, Mapping Churches’ Responses. Being Church Together, Brussels-Geneva, Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe/World Council of Churches, 2021 (in print).

P. Naso, A. Passarelli, C. Paravati (eds.), Granelli di Senape. Una fotografia delle delle chiese metodiste e valdesi in Italia, Turin, Claudiana, 2019.

D. Jackson, A. Passarelli (eds.), Mapping Migration, Mapping Churches’ Responses. Belonging, Community and Integration, Brussels-Geneva, Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe/World Council of Churches, 2015.

P. Naso, A. Passarelli, T. Pispisa (eds.), Sorelle e fratelli di Jerry Masslo. L’immigrazione evangelica in Italia, Turin, Claudiana, 2014.

D. Jackson, A. Passarelli (eds.), Mapping Migration, Mapping Churches’ Responses, Brussels-Geneva, Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe/World Council of Churches, 2008.